In 1907, Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson wrote the book: The Lord of the World. In this work, a dark state of the future is prophetically illustrated. Man attempts to take the place of God, the collective replaces the church, and Christianity is dismissed as outdated superstition. Catholics are not seen as the antidote, but merely as the enemy, and are deemed to be the cause of many of life’s evils. In this world the main character, Father Percy sees the need for a new order; The Order of Christ Crucified. “A new Order, Holiness—no habit, badge, or insignia- subject to your Holiness only- freer than Jesuits, poorer than Franciscans, more mortified that Carthusians: men women alike- the three vows with the intention of martyrdom, the pantheon for their Church; each bishop responsible for this sustenance; a lieutenant in each country….(Holiness, it is the thought of a fool.)… And Christ Crucified for their patron.”
We believe that this fictional world is quickly becoming a reality and thus we see the need for our own order which we shall also call, “The Order of Christ Crucified”.
We will be warriors for the church to defend the faith.
We will strive to heal our culture and the hearts of Men.
We will pray.
We will fast.
We will serve.
We will lead our families in the truth.
We will be saints.
For the love of Christ and the heart of the world.
We are men that not only have a love of our faith but strive every day to live and grow in our faith as Catholic gentlemen. We love the Triune God, our Catholic faith and heritage, we strive to not only be holy, but the saints desperately needed in the world today.
We acknowledge that obtaining sainthood does not come through a program (although a program may be a tool or the initial spark in a person’s life), but through God’s grace, by living a life of prayer, receiving the sacraments as often as possible and, always seeking perfection in one’s life as our God is perfect.
We reject Satan and all his works, all of his kingdoms, institutions, doctrines, ideologies, and temptations. Our rejection of these lies is for the pursuit of holiness and untimely sainthood. We desire to grow in faith, knowledge, virtue, and evangelism. Our mission as a brotherhood is to become saints and to save souls by “offering the world to Christ and Christ to the world” as men through Christ and for Christ. This view point and way of life will be adversarial as the anti-church continues to grow and inject their false doctrines into the hearts and minds of many.
In the book, “Freemasonry, Mankind’s Hidden Enemy” Brother Charles Madden provides a basic explanation of Freemasonry as a non-Christian religion and incorporates the official statements from the Catholic Faith, references Pope Leo the 13th’s encyclical “Humanum Genus”, as well as a profound statement by St. Maximilian Kolbe.
“Modern times are dominated by Satan and will be more so in the future. The conflict with Hell cannot be engaged by men, even the most clever. The Immaculata alone has from God the promise of victory over Satan”. Brother Charles Madden continues to hit the message home, by stating, “And what has been Mary Immaculata’s advice to us, time and again? Attendance at Mass, frequent use of the Sacraments, daily prayer (especially the Rosary), love, obedience to and prayer for the Pope, the offering up of the sacrifices of our daily lives well-lived, and total consecration to her Immaculate Heart. We need to keep our eyes fixed on Christ our Savior, our hand’s in Mary’s hands, our ears attuned to the voice of St. Peter, and to have the wisdom and courage to be narrow-minded enough to tune out all contrary voices. All Scripture from Genesis to the Apocalypse (Revelation) assures us of the triumph of the City of God over the city of man. The grandiose schemes and machinations of the partisans of evil of our era are untimely doomed to failure. We need to stay our course!”
The message of attending Mass, receiving the Sacraments, prayer, devotion to Mary, penance, and obedience are all common messages given to by the saints (canonized, uncanonized, and walking). These two excerpts are profound messages by St. Maximilian Kolbe and Br. Charles Madden are clear, concise, and to the point of how we are to live (daily). Therefore, the Order of Christ Crucified has designed the way of life to be lived daily as the basic ground work to lead all towards holiness and sainthood.
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