Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
Christ is the Way the Truth and the Life and in order to unite ourselves to Him and to sustain ourselves in this battle we need a rule of life. In every age there have been bands of brothers who have risen up and vowed themselves to a common rule of life.
Our Catholic faith is a life worth living where the experience of God’s grace and know that His grace far exceeds any pleasure the world may have to offer.Therefore, the Order of Christ Crucified has outlined the key elements for having Christ as the way of life. Our way of life is centered with five intentions:
For the sins of the world.
For the sins of the Church.
For our own sins.
For our families.
For our special intentions.
The Church was instituted for the sacraments. She lives and breathes on them. They have been given to us directly by Christ Himself. And yet, too often, Catholics abstain from or misunderstand the sacraments. So, we seek the sacraments with great urgency.
Attend mass at least one additional time per week in addition to Sundays
Receive Christ’s Mercy through the Sacrament of Confession.
The Lord leads all persons by paths and in ways pleasing to him, and each believer responds according to his heart's resolve and the personal expressions of his prayer. However, Christian Tradition has retained three major expressions of prayer: vocal meditative, and contemplative. They have one basic trait in common: composure of heart. This vigilance in keeping the Word and dwelling in the presence of God makes these three expressions intense times in the life of prayer.
Through the inspiration of Saint Dominic, the Blessed Mother gave us our greatest weapon, the Rosary, so we pray it.
In the noise of the world we dedicate 30 minutes of silent conversation with our Creator.
Our world hungers for Christ, but does not know Him in the Eucharist, so we dedicate a weekly Holy Hour in His Divine Presence in either Adoration or in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
As an athlete trains himself for victory, so we fast for strength and perseverance in holiness. Christ has instructed us that certain demons can only be cast out by means of prayer and fasting. So, we fast. (Outside of Solemnities)
Fasting should be conducted to not impact one's heath and should be conducted as able. Remember, this is an act of penance, so it should be uncomfortable.
Contrary to recent secularized tradition, abstaining from meat is not just for Lent. If fact, we are called to observe this penitential act every Friday.
When Christ came to earth, he did not establish a program, but a brotherhood. We also recognize that in order to serve our families and our world, we need to be strengthened by our brothers.
Physical gatherings for the fraternity are essential to the brotherhood. This is our opportunity to encourage one another and provide accountability.
Although the fraternity meetings are exclusive, we do recognize that the only way to build a thriving community by bringing our families together.
Active participation in our parishes and communities are vital to our Order in administering the Corporal Works of Mercy. Service project are open to the Order and their families.
The devil is the father of lies and has deceived our world. He has stolen souls from the sheepfold and has lured our world into chaos. In order to heal our culture, therefore we must know the faith. The Order of Christ Crucified emphasizes the importance to continuous education through reading, media, and a forgotten art of dialogue. Continuous learning more about the faith and the traditions is
We continuously study to defend the faith with our mind, prayers, words, and actions.
The Order of Christ Crucified emphasizes the importance to continuous education through reading, media, and a forgotten art of dialogue. Check out the "Catholic Content" page
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We are inspired of the men that have gone before us. Like the Crusaders who spent themselves generously and selflessly for the poor, and vulnerable. Therefore, we acknowledge we have all received possessions, talents, and speech that are required of us to bring forth for others to establish the Kingdom of God. They have been given to us not for ourselves, but for others.
Many in the world are enslaved by their passions so we seek freedom by means of moderation and asceticism. Through rigorous spiritual programs, we have experienced the emphasis on self-mastery. The rule of life within the Order of Christ Crucified is not to be as prescriptive nor intense. However, it is the daily duty of each individual through prayer and general observation to know where time and money is spent, to have the grace to acknowledge the opportunity, and to self-regulate one’s habit
“Then the Lord God formed the man out of the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being”. Genesis 2:7 Therefore, we are not mere spirits; our physicality is a gift. It is important to highlight that the Order of Christ Crucified’ s focus is primarily on spirituality but does not neglect our physicality. We are made of both body and spirit, so the Order of Christ Crucified does recognize and stresses the importance of frequent exercise, having hobbies,
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